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Fall Clean Up Poster in PDF (Sept. 21, 2024)
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Important Information
Ordinance 1021 (requirements for the proper disposal of pet solid waste)
Ordinance 1034 (Regulations Protecting the Public Water System from Contamination due to Backflow)
Electric Aggregation
St. Henry's electric aggregation contract ends May 2025. The current rate is $0.0637 per kwh and the supplier is Dynegy. If you would like to join the aggregation and you are not currently with a supplier, you can call 888-682-2170 and be added to the aggregation.
If you have any questions please call Valerie at Palmer Energy at 419-491-1040.
Gas Aggregation
Gas Aggregation has been approved by the residents, but at this time, there are no savings compared to the utility pricing. When that changes, an aggregation will be in place.
If you have any questions at all concerning aggregation or the process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Valerie Bluhm, Palmer Energy at 419-491-1040.
Links of Interest